Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Cecily Maternity Session

I had the privilege of photographing a very sweet couple and their beautiful daughter last week. They seriously made it so easy to get great shots. They are such a beautiful family. Cecily the mama is so radiant and gorgeous with the pregnancy glow. Thank you Cecily, Freddy and Jada for letting me photograph this beautiful time in your lives. God bless you all and your soon to come baby boy!!!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Random pictures of Santa Fe

I thought you all would enjoy a couple more pictures of Santa Fe. I still need to go out and take more of the city. I was planning on doing that very thing this weekend but there was a Native American Arts festival here and there was a ton of people. So I hope these few pictures will hold you over. : )

This picture I can not take the credit for. My hubby photographed this with his phone while hiking. I don't know exactly what it is but it looks amazing.

This is the old Santa Fe courthouse.

One of the dancers at the Native American Arts festival.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

More of Santa Fe

This was taken from a mountain over looking the city. The sun sets here are so gorgeous!

An impending storm.

Santa Fe must be the home of car lovers. There are a lot of car shows that take place in the town square.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Hannah Faith Villalpando

I have been blessed with a beautiful little sister. These are her 15 birthday pictures taken the end of last year. Enjoy!!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A little of Santa Fe

Here are just a few pictures I have taken around Santa Fe. There will be more to come this place is amazing for photography.